
This is a very popular question as well as concern for every motorcyclists before coming to Vietnam because we do understand what you are worrying about. That is because you don’t want to get troubled with legal issues as well as other damages for vehicles that may occur on tour. And our answer is that you can possess such a third-party Insurance to cover all damages / casualties for vehicles and other victims if you have our appropriate Vietnamese driving license as other Vietnamese people do, however, I am pretty sure that it’s impossible for regular tourists holding a visa less than 6 months to grab it. Therefore, our advice is that you should not insist on chasing such an unfeasible insurance but just ease your mind and learn how to ride motorbikes safely without a third-party insurance because that is still a great way for all other riders having been following since then. Why not you?

Can a regular tourist purchase a third-party Insurance for vehicles in Vietnam?
To be honest, sometimes holding such an insurance does not mean anything yet to you when accidents come due to troublesome legal procedures. Normally people feel so frustrated to claim for their insurance benefits because it takes so much time & goes through so many paper-works and you don’t know yet when your insurance benefits will come